The Walnut Alliance of California’s vision is that California walnut growers, marketers and handlers are profitable and conduct business in a transparent manner to the benefit of all segments of the industry. This new organization allows California’s walnut industry to address several issues that are impacting growers, handlers, hullers and suppliers and the entire supply chain.

The Walnut Alliance supports the excellent work of the California Walnut Board and Commission by providing a mechanism that is more flexible, is able to support politicians who can assist the walnut industry and can perform other activities the Board and Commission are not legally allowed to do.

Importantly, the Walnut Alliance intends to focus on increasing grower returns by encouraging transparency and fostering better communication among industry members when it comes to quality incentives, contracts and marketing/sales strategies. As an example, Walnut Alliance members have access to its annual Grower Price Report.

The Walnut Alliance is embarking on an outreach and educational effort to inform the industry about the new organization and encourage membership. For more information, please sign up to receive our newsletter or visit here for upcoming events.

Membership fees

Membership in the Walnut Alliance of California is voluntary and paid on an annual basis. The dues structure is as follows:

Walnut Grower Members:

  • Small (1-75 acres) = $150
  • Large (76 acres or more) = $2.00/acre ($3,000 cap)

Handler Members:

  • Small (10,000 tons or less) = $1,000
  • Medium (10,001 to 25,000 tons) = $2,500
  • Large (over 25,000 tones) – $5,000

Huller Members:

  • $1,000

Support Businesses:

  • $500